Friday, June 20, 2014

Whitney Dedmon- The Career Center- Week 2


  • Participated in individual meetings with students on their resumes and personal statements
  • Conducted advising for undecided freshman students at orientation Tuesday and Friday
  • Participated in a Dinner Etiquette program for the student athletes

This was an amazing week in my practicum. I got to work with several very interesting students. First, I got to work with several different students who were having their personal statements and resumes critiqued. It was very interesting because we had students coming in who are applying to Dental school, Medical school, and the MBA program. I have very little experience working on personal statements for these kinds of applications. It was a great learning experience for me to see how every application required the same thing, yet in a different way. Also, I participated in academic advising for undecided freshman. This week brought different challenges than the last two orientations. Tuesday's group was very quiet and were not very open to discussing what exactly they wanted. They honestly did not know. However, Friday's group was the complete opposite. I had yet to see so many hands raised and so many questions asked from a group. Working with students who are all so different and learning how the atmosphere from one group can totally contradict the other was mind boggling. Learning to navigate and work with students who vary so much is improving my confidence in my ability to work with a wide variety of students.

I also got to do something this week that I never thought I would have the opportunity to do. I was able to go with two staff members in the Career Center and implement a "Dinner Etiquette" program for our athletes. The group was made up of fifteen freshman student athletes, most of them football players, and teach them the proper etiquette for eating and speaking with potential employers or recruiters. The two staff members from the Career Center went over all of the do's and don'ts of dinner etiquette. They went over what silverware to use and when, where to place your spoons after you stir your tea, how to pass items around the table, how to cut up your meats, and so many other things. I was placed at a table and it was my job to act as a potential employer and help them to learn to keep up a casual conversation. At first, it was difficult, but then I began asking them about topics that I knew they would be comfortable responding. For example, they were all football players, so I asked them what positions they played. This helped to break the ice a little and they began to talk and casually joke with one another. I absolutely loved this opportunity. I have always loved athletes and wanted to work with them and this gave me the chance to do that.

This week I have learned a lot about myself and myself as a professional. When I read one part of the book, something really stuck with me. Amey and Reesor (2009) talk about how things a student loves in their undergraduate experience can eventually lead them to their job (p. 3). I am finding this so true. I was speaking to my supervisor and I was telling her how much I loved what I am doing. Everything that I am getting to do now, I had always dreamed of, but I did not know if it was possible. Through my experiences, I am actually getting to do what I love and I cannot wait for more of it!

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