Sunday, July 29, 2012

Banks- LSU Residential Life


- Multicultural Student Leadership Conference Planing Committee 
- #liveGOLD initiative meeting with UREC staff & CAS 
- Graduate Resident Director (GRD) Training 
- Observed campus life (position) interview process 
-Conducted a phone interview for the Residential Life Coordinator (RLC) position and resume screenings 
- My list is long enough.....LOL 

Oh how I thought this day would be an eternity away :( sadly it came way before I was ready. I am writing my last reflection of what has been one of my greatest college experiences. It would take me all day to really break this down, so hopefully I will get to personally share things with you. 

This week was really busy and jammed packed with meetings, interviews, and meaningful experiences. My supervisor is a very busy and popular lady, so she participates in several areas outside of Residential Life. She was kind enough to allow me to participate in these things. One thing I have to say I have been extremely pleased with is...the hospitality and friendliness. It was so interesting to see how the SA practitioners were willing to let me participate in their projects. I got scared in a few meetings because I knew I was going to have to do some talking, but it was all worth it. 
Look at them being productive! My sweet supervisor to the right. Of course that  is Starbucks on the table :)
Reflecting on this week, I realized how many opportunities I was given to really step up and put my self out there. IT FELT GREAT. Before I got ready to present the new initiatives to the GRDs I was really nervous, but once I started speaking, I felt like I was speaking about something I had been working on for more than a month. I think I am the most amazed at the trust, respect, and confidence that the staff has had with and for me. It did not matter to them that I had no previous housing experience. They wanted to give me everything I could possibly handle in short time. It is so rewarding to know that the projects I worked on will actually be implemented this fall. I also have a "renewed" respect and understanding for assessment and how the right ones really can be beneficial. That is one thing the LSU Residence Life prides itself on. They use the assessments to make the necessary improvements for the future. 

Experiencing interview processes for Campus and Residential Life was soooo beneficial. It has given me a lot to think about, such as my resume,what to wear, how to respond to various questions, etc. This is what I will be doing in just a few short months.

Thank you to the LSU staff and my supervisor would definitely be an understatement. I am beyond grateful for my experience. It was refreshing to remember why I chose this field. Sometimes I find myself really wishing I could stay longer so that I can physically implement the initiatives. LOL I came here very uneasy and nervous and from Day one that was all put to rest. I am so glad I stepped out of the box and got my feet wet here. I cant wait to start the job hunt, get back to God's country, and my bulldog family. Tomorrow I will go through my last day in Tigerland, but I will forever remember this experience and the personal and professional growth I have gone through. 

Enjoy a few more pics... 

My LSU Binder...its stuffed! 

This cracked me up...these little tigers are never unprepared LOL 

They have a Smoothie the workout/recreation facility

Outside of the "UREC" 

~ Dejanae 

1 comment:

  1. Dejanae-
    It looks like you have had the time of your life down at LSU! Love how they have vending machines where the students can but school supplies! Are you excited or sad about coming home? I hope this experience has been great and that you will always remember your time in Tiger Nation. Can you see yourself actually working at LSU? You're great, so I'm sure you will get a job wherever you want one! Hope the remainder of your summer is filled with fun! Have a great week! (:
