Sunday, June 24, 2012

Banks-Week 3-LSU Residential Life

Where has the month of June gone? I feel like I have not even seen the last three weeks. I have been so busy that it really just hit me that my life is about to change. :) I am sooooooooo excited. I have spent this last week reflecting on what the next month of my life will be like. There have been so many staff members in SA at MSU that have come up and talk to me about the new experience. I have received so much support from my MSU family that it is unbelievable. It reminds me that I have another strong support system outside of my family and friends. I have spent a lot of time reflecting on how I think I will adjust. I know that I want to see how I like living and working in a big city. I am from a big city, but being on my own, where I do not know anyone, will be a different experience. I have thought about what will be important to me...I want to make sure that I can go back to my learning contract and name the specific things I want to accomplish from my goals. I also want to grow personally. I would like to find a temporary place to worship and see what the city has to offer. I think the timing of my practicum experience is great because it is preparing me for the journey I will begin in August...JOB HUNTING :) 

So with all of this said (see below)    

Post it notes get me through my day and I use them for positive motivation..."MSU to LSU #Newlife" 

Have a great week! 



  1. Dejanae -

    You have an exciting month ahead of you! I have greatly enjoyed learning more about UA and I know you will have a similar experience at LSU. I look forward to hearing about it and learning through your experiences!


  2. Dejanae,

    I like the detailed thought you've put into your trip. I appreciate that you recognize that moving to a new city doesn't just mean job, but it also means support system whether that be a church family or a work family. It also means community involvement and I'm glad you've considered this. And yes, I think this could easily be your "dry run" for December. This is going to be a life changing experience and I can't wait to hear all about it!

    Bon Voyage!
    Dr. H
