Monday, June 18, 2012

Alexander- Week 2- Florida Gulf Coast University

- Explored FGCU orientation website
- Explored FGCU Campus Recreation website
- Familiarized myself with names and faces (professional staff)
- Began finalizing travel plans

This week has been filled with tons of reading and researching. One of my goals for this practicum is to become more familiar with the orientation process and the role Campus Recreation plays in it. I reviewed the FGCU orientation website and learned a lot about the activities and break-out sessions that will be offered. I also ran across the number of orientation sessions FGCU offers for first-time freshmen: 17!! The month of July alone, I will have the opportunity to be apart of 7 sessions. This was a bit overwhelming to discover, but I know the experience will be rewarding. 

As I browsed around the FGCU Campus Recreation website, I learned that they have adopted a new tagline that aids in their commitment to developing students by creating opportunities for participation in healthy activities.

I think this statement says a lot about their program and what it stands for. I can not wait to jump in and be apart of this department. I have to admit that my anxiety levels are starting to rise as my departure date nears. I know that this will be a great learning experience for me and I have to make the best of it!

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. LeAnn,

    Glad you are getting going and trying to understand the culture of the institution prior to walking on campus. Have you reflected on your role in Orientation at a different university? What will that be like? Feel like? Consider what you will bring as a professional and what you will get out of this experience. You will very soon be on your way!

    Dr. H
