Friday, July 18, 2014

Whitney Dedmon- The Career Center- Week 5


  • Attended weekly staff meeting
  • Worked on updating the MSU Major List
  • Attended and networked with other Career Center professionals at the MACE Conference

This week started off with the weekly staff meeting. During the meeting, a guest speaker came in to talk about the necessary procedures to do when a student wishes to study abroad. Also, one of the staff members has been out due to a illness and started her first week back to work during this meeting. So, we had a "welcome back" party for her. Seeing how much each staff member cares for the other was a very special experience for me. It showed me even more what type of environment I wish to work in when I go into the professional world. Also, I embarked on a very interesting project this week. I was asked to update and MSU Major List and correct all of the hyperlinks attached to each major and concentration. This project has turned out to be pretty time consuming. I am working on getting it finished and that will take some time, but I am finding it very beneficial. Since I am spending so much time looking at the different majors and concentrations, I am becoming more familiar with each one, their website, and what they offer student during and after their time in the programs. 

This week's reading focused on networking and making connections. I was very able to put this knowledge into practice. Thursday night, I attended social that was part of the MACE (Mississippi Association of Colleges and Employers) Conference. This association is one made up of career service professionals from community colleges and universities that focus on the recruitment of students for cooperative education and career opportunities. At this conference, my supervisor introduced me so several different people who are potential employers for me when I graduate. This experience meant so much to me and opened doors for my future career. I was able to make connections with fellow professionals and potential employers who have welcomed me to come visit and get to know their offices. Being able to experience this showed me just how important it is to be able to network and connect. I am looking forward to the opportunities this might create for me!

1 comment:

  1. Whitney,

    Having this mega-project seems like a great experience! Knowing all the majors and how they benefit students is going to be so helpful when you come in contact with those questions. And congrats on going to that conference. It seems like you have met a lot of great people who may be making decisions about your future employment. I hope all the interactions were positive and lead into a future job!

    Rachel Ross
